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Opportunities With PHL Synaptik
If you’re an NHS consultant or an experienced nurse, you could rapidly expand your portfolio of experience, all whilst helping the patients who need you the most by focusing on what you do best.
Our Services
PHL Synaptik provides healthcare expertise, delivering waiting time support and high quality outcomes for the NHS, other providers and patients.
Get in touch
Whether you’re looking for a short-term solution or longer-term services to complement your existing workflows, make an immediate impact and get in touch with a member of our dedicated team today.
We Provide The Best Possible Healthcare Services
Unlock your current work capacity to 7 days a week. To ensure your patients are getting quality service all of the time. With a clinical healthcare provider like Synaptik you can trust to uphold or exceed your standards and significantly grow your capacity.
Our Blog
Lates News & Articles
PHL Synaptik Shortlisted for Two Prestigious HSJ Independent Awards
PHL Synaptik is proud to announce that it has been shortlisted for not one but two submissions in...
Discover how a dermatology service was able to double the amount of patients they saw – and begin to end a waiting list challenge.
Last year, dermatology at NHS Borders had a spiralling waiting list of nearly 2,000 patients with an additional...
New Collaboration with Neon Health Solutions
We are delighted to announce a new collaboration with Neon Health Solutions. Neon utilises data and software to...